It's only natural that new things can be a little daunting at first. If you feel that your own nervousness or fears prevent you from trying floating, read the instructions below, which we have put together with the aim of making trying floating as pleasant and safe an experience as possible for everyone, regardless of the starting situation.

Those planning to float often wonder if the tank is tight?

There is no need to worry about tightness, because the models of the flotation tanks we use are the largest "pod" model flotation tanks on the market. The length of our tanks is about 2.6m and the width is 1.7m, so you can float comfortably regardless of a person's size. The manufacturer of our tanks, Dreampod, is one of the industry's leading manufacturers and they have been producing floatation tanks since 2011.

The tank lid has no locking or electrical parts, it is easy to open and cannot get stuck. We recommend floating with the lid closed so that the tank maintains an optimal temperature corresponding to body heat. If you feel uncomfortable closing the lid, you can keep the lid completely open or leave it open during your float.

The lights in the floatation room automatically turn off in a few minutes after movement in the room stops. The tank has separate lights, whose switch can be found in the tank. You control the lights in the tank yourself. Although we generally recommend floating in the dark, you can keep the tank lights on if you wish. If necessary, we will also consider your needs regarding room lighting.

Music plays at the beginning and end of the float, but if you want, you can listen to relaxing music throughout the float. Please tell us about your wish for music before your float.

The flotation tanks also have a staff call button.

Our core value is to meet people as individuals, and we strive to take into account possible tensions and fears in our service, as well as possible. If you feel that you need support before or during the float in addition to the actions described above, we will be happy to customize the service taking your needs into account. We hope that you will talk about possible tension before your float. You can tell us about the topic by phone, e-mail or by talking on the spot.

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