As a natural mechanism, the vibration produced by Neurosonic has a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system and mind through the body. The low-frequency vibration directs the body into a meditation-like state, where the stress state is alleviated, recovery is enhanced and sleep mechanisms can be repaired.
Why Neurosonic?
The Neurosonic technology developed in Finland can offer you relief if you suffer from sleep problems, stress or pain, for example.
Neurosonic treatment produces very low-frequency vibrations that have a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system. The vibration feels like a cat purring in the body. In general, people find the vibration pleasant and overall relaxing. As a natural mechanism, vibration has a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system and mind through the body. The low-frequency vibration directs the body into a meditation-like state, whereby the stress state is alleviated, recovery is enhanced and sleep mechanisms can be repaired.
Neurosonic has been on the market since 2011. Feedback from thousands of customers accumulated over ten years has proven the positive effects of vibration in terms of sleep quality, pain relief, enhanced recovery, and stress relief. In addition to subjective customer experiences, Neurosonic technology has received scientific evidence from several studies, which are constantly being carried out to improve the quality of the products, as well as to improve the health effectiveness.